Gender Inequality

Jordan Foggos
4 min readNov 28, 2022

What is Gender Inequality?

Gender inequality is prejudice or discrimination based on a person’s gender. It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles, and it includes the belief that one gender is intrinsically superior to another.

This can include the belief that gender is more superior to the other or more valuable than the other gender. For example, girls might be stereotyped to not go to school in some countries, and instead, they would stay at home to clean the house. Thus, these countries only allow the boys to go to school and the girls would have to stay at home to become housewives. Or we can stereotype that only girls can be nurses, but however,2 this is untrue, as there are also many male nurses.

thus in conclusion,gender inequality is legal, social and cultural situation in which sex and/or gender determine different rights and dignity for women and men, which are reflected in their unequal access to or enjoyment of rights, as well as the assumption of stereotyped social and cultural roles.

Gender discrimination(examples)

Gender discrimination describes the situation in which people are treated differently simply because they are of a different gender, rather than on their individual skills or capabilities.

Gender stereotypes at work and at school

Stereotypes are how societies expect people to act based on their gender. For example, girls should stay at home and help with housework and childcare, should dress modestly and not stay out late at night. People are often judged by how well they adhere to gender stereotypes.

These stereotypes can often bleed out into school and work, where girls are less likely to be encouraged into science and technology subjects or leadership roles, due to the perceived ‘male nature’ of these pursuits. Likewise, seemingly positive stereotypes and gender roles such as men being the ‘provider’ or ‘protector’ of the family, put an unnecessary burden on men and boys that could more positively be shared in an equal partnership.

These attitudes limit girls’ power by rendering them less able to help contribute to making the world around them a better place, as they do not have the same basic education as boys and thus, they are limited to contribute much to society.

Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrmination is not directly discriminating the person, but for example, have a rule,policy or practice that applies to all employees in the same way but disadvantages some because of their gender. Thus, the rules, policy or practice might benefit the other gender but disadvantages the other.

For example, there might be employers requiring all their employees to work full-time. However, a lot of women are usually the caretakers of their children, thus they might not e able to work full time unlike men as they are usually the housewives or caretakers of young adults, children or maybe even the elderly. This discriminates against one gender as it is unfair for that gender, and thus this disadvantages them.

Sex discrimination in employment and training

It is illegal for an employer to discriminate against you because of your sex. This includes all employers, no matter how few people they employ. Most workers, including employees, agency workers, trainees and those who are self-employed have protection from sex discrimination at work. This includes:

recruitment and selection
training, pay and benefits
redundancy and dismissal
terms and conditions of work
There are special rules to protect women who are pregnant or on maternity leave from discrimination at work.


gender inequality and gender discrimination is very much like racism, whereas racism includes stereotyping, judging and discriminating against someone because of their race or colour. The same goes for sexism, and people of a different gender are being discriminated unfairly and it is unequal for both genders. Let us treat both genders equally, and not based on stereotypes or judge by their gender.

Solutions(my opinion)

how to eliminate gender bias and gender discrimination in the workplace and workforce.

  1. start organizations to educate people about sexism before they go out in the workforce

people are taking initiatives to start organizations that educate the general public about sexism and its effects. They are educating businesses and companies to have policies that will benefit both genders, instead of ignoring the other gender. companies should also standardize pay and salaries for everyone. interviewers should also not stereotype person skills or background based on their gender. for example, we should not think that women are less capable and are weaker than men. we should give both genders equal opportunities in the workforce, and not limit them to a certain job or lower-paying positions.

2. governments should have policies and laws that punish people for sexism

gender discrimination is illegal in most countries, and many states and countries have laws that provide stronger protection to women from discrimination.



Jordan Foggos

My name is Jordan. My blogs are about world issues,and I want to raise awareness of world issues, and how we can play our part to make the world a better place.